Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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Announcing SS UK Clinics June 2010 & Coaches Education Course

UK Clinic Series June 2010

Swim Smooth are excited to announce nine UK Clinics in Birmingham, York, West Lothian, Bolton, Windsor and Maidenhead in June. If you are a swimmer or triathlete looking to improve your speed and efficiency in the water, book your place now: www.swimsmooth.com/clinics

** Our previous clinic series in January filled up in 48 hours - please don't hesitate to book your place! **

A Swim Smooth clinic is a full day of focused development of your individual stroke technique with Swim Smooth coaches Paul Newsome and Adam Young.

Each clinic includes:

- Detailed video footage of your stroke above and below the water which you will take away with you on DVD.

- A full analysis of your stroke by Head Coach Paul Newsome. You'll come away with a clear understanding of what's currently holding you back and exactly what you need to do to improve your swimming speed and efficiency.

- Unique interactive classroom sessions that explain the fundamentals of the freestyle stroke, exactly why common problems occur and how to fix them. We'll cross reference this to your own stroke and in doing so explain how to adapt your individual technique for best performance in open water.

- How to develop a swimming program to suit your needs and how to get the most out of your pool time.

- Two practical swimming sessions focusing on developing your stroke. Paul and Adam will show you exactly how to fix the problem areas of your technique. You'll be given all the drills, methods and visualisations you need specific to your individual stroke, which you'll practice under our guidance.

- A mini squad session showing you how to implement our unique technique methods into a 'normal' training session.

The clinics are suitable for any ability of swimmer who can swim 200m of freestyle continuously, from beginner up to advanced level. Each clinic is strictly limited to twelve swimmers to ensure you get plenty of individual attention to your stroke needs.

Demand is expected to be very high - please don't delay in booking your place: www.swimsmooth.com/clinics

Swim Smooth Coach Education Course

Swim Smooth are also announcing our first Coach Education Course outside of Australia in Birmingham UK on the 4th to 6th June. This initiative follows a substantial request from coaches interested in our methods and practises. The course is an intense program for ambitious swimming and triathlon coaches of any experience or level and will teach all of Swim Smooth's coaching methods including advanced stroke correction. The three day course will be delivered to twelve selected coaches by Swim Smooth's Paul Newsome and Adam Young.

For full details and to apply visit: www.swimsmooth.com/coacheseducation.html

We very much hope to meet you in person in June.


Swim Smooth!