Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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Further Reductions In The Swim Smooth Sale

We've just further reduced the following products by up to 20% in the Swim Smooth Swim Shop.

Remember you can save 10% on EVERYTHING in our Swim Shop with by using discount code BACKTOPOOL in the cart.

So yes that means you can combine both offers and save up to 30% in total on these limited stock items!

Don't delay - sale must end midnight on FRIDAY:

HUUB Kickpant - Additional 20% OFF
Zogg Aquaflex Goggles - Additional 20% OFF
Zogg Predator Goggles - Additional 10% OFF
Finis Circuit Goggles - Additional 10% OFF
Swim Smooth Funky Trunk Mens Bathers - Additional 20% OFF
Swim Smooth Funkita Womens Bathers - Additional 20% OFF
HUUB Women's SKN Swimskin - Additional 20% OFF
HUUB Archimedes 2 Wetsuit - Additional 20% OFF
HUUB Aegis 3:5 Wetsuit - Additional 20% OFF

Swim Smooth!