Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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#9 We Encourage Structured Fitness Work Through “Swimming By Numbers”

When pursuing speed in swimming, stroke technique is essential, but don't overlook the significance of your overall fitness. A strong level of swimming fitness is pivotal for maintaining your stroke technique over extended distances, preventing that frustrating feeling of your stroke unraveling. All Swim Smooth squads around the world feature this type of structured fitness training at their core.

The key to cultivating swim-specific fitness lies in strategic training that simultaneously enhances both technique and fitness. Critical Swim Speed (CSS) training offers a prime method for achieving this synergy, and we're here to shed light the Swim Smooth approach to this.

CSS sets can be tackled in a group setting or as individual endeavors, ensuring versatility and adaptability to your swim routine. Even if you're relatively new to freestyle swimming, consider introducing CSS sets to your regimen—it's a leap towards remarkable progress!

Embrace the heart of CSS training

Embrace the heart of CSS training—a perfect blend of fitness enhancement and pace development. CSS training is a cornerstone for distance swimmers and triathletes, delivering maximum benefits for your training efforts while fostering precise pacing skills—a crucial component for optimal speed and efficiency.

Unveiling the Power of CSS Training

CSS training revolves around elevating your lactate threshold, a physiological marker signalling the limit of your aerobic system. By swimming at your lactate threshold speed (CSS pace), you enhance your capabilities at this intensity. The payoff? Improved lactate threshold speed translates to swifter race performance.

Worried about deciphering the technical jargon? Don't fret! Engage in the CSS test outlined below, try the training sessions, and witness your steady improvement over subsequent weeks.

Cracking the CSS Test

Begin with a thorough warmup, gradually elevating your heart rate.

Swim a fast-paced 400m, focusing on efficient pacing. This is a time-trial, push your limits!

Allocate 5 to 10 minutes for recovery, swimming easy laps to flush out muscle waste.

Perform another time-trial, covering 200m at maximum effort.

Conclude with a relaxed cooldown before hitting the showers.

Discover Your CSS Pace

Check if your 200m time per 100m is faster than your 400m time—it should be due to the shorter distance. This is crucial for the calculation to work. Use Swim Smooth's CSS pace calculator to work out your CSS pace:

Elevate Your Swimming Experience with CSS Training

Harnessing a Finis Tempo Trainer Pro greatly aids pacing accuracy during CSS sessions. Simply set your target pace per lap, tuck it under your swim cap, and align your swim pace with the beep. Whether for pacing during swims or timing recovery between sets, the Tempo Trainer Pro is your reliable companion, surpassing the complexities of traditional pace clocks.

Embrace the Goldilocks Set

Sample CSS training with the Goldilocks set:

Warm up thoroughly before swimming the following consecutively, all at your CSS pace:

  • 2x 100m + 20 seconds rest (or 1 beep)*

  • Baby Bear: 1x 200m + 20 seconds rest (or 1 beep)

  • 2x 100m + 20 seconds rest (or 1 beep)*

  • Mummy Bear: 1x 300m + 20 seconds rest (or 1 beep)

  • 2x 100m + 20 seconds rest (or 1 beep)*

  • Daddy Bear: 1x 400m

*Extend the set by opting for 3 or 4x 100m.

While CSS pace may seem manageable initially, persistence is key. As you progress, you'll feel the intensity escalate over 300m and 400m swims. Stick to your CSS pace during the 100s—resist the urge to speed up—and cultivate your pacing judgment skills.

CSS vs. Conventional Masters Training

Contrasted with conventional master swim sets, CSS training slightly reduces the pace while shortening recovery periods between swims. This approach hones your aerobic system, priming you for success as a distance swimmer. Unlike sprint-focused routines, CSS training fosters the ideal environment for enhanced endurance and performance in longer swims.

Meet Megan: A CSS Success Story

From novice to an accomplished distance swimmer, Megan's consistent CSS training skyrocketed her CSS pace from 2:18/100m to 1:36/100m. Her journey reflects the accessibility and effectiveness of CSS training, even for newcomers.

Swim Smooth, Swim Strong

CSS training isn't just a fitness regimen—it's a holistic approach to achieving speed and endurance. With technique, training, and pacing in harmony, you'll witness remarkable growth in your stroke, stamina, and overall aquatic