Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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#6 We Systemise Stroke Correction Using Our Unique Hierarchy

In the realm of swimming instruction, acronyms have often been employed to simplify and streamline the learning process. One such famous acronym, B.L.A.B.T, stood for Body - Legs - Arms - Breathing - Timing. This sequence was considered the optimal order for mastering the freestyle stroke. However, as any aspiring swimmer can attest, the initial struggle often revolves around comfort in the water and breathing proficiency. Let's dive into how Swim Smooth challenges this conventional wisdom and reshapes stroke learning.

Flipping the Sequence: Embracing Breathing as the Foundation

Swimming novices often find their progress hindered by water discomfort and a lack of breathing control. Swim Smooth boldly challenges the traditional sequence by placing breathing at the forefront of stroke learning. Rather than emphasizing body position, arm, and leg movements first, Swim Smooth advocates building a strong breathing foundation to pave the way for smoother progress.

The Swim Smooth Stroke Correction Hierarchy

#1 Breathing: The Vital First Step

Effective exhalation lies at the core of successful freestyle swimming. Rather than fixating on inhaling, Swim Smooth highlights the importance of controlled exhalation. This technique not only aids relaxation but also paves the way for an efficient stroke. The mantra "Bubble-Bubble-Breathe" guides swimmers to exhale smoothly and maintain a steady rhythm.

#2 Drag Reduction: Conquering Resistance

Reducing drag is a fundamental aspect of optimizing your freestyle stroke. Swim Smooth identifies common culprits contributing to resistance, such as holding onto breath, improper head positioning, and crossing arms in front of the head. By addressing these factors, swimmers can refine their stroke and streamline their movements.

#3 Posture & Alignment: The Path to Efficiency

Correct posture and alignment play a pivotal role in stroke refinement. Swim Smooth emphasizes maintaining shoulders back and chest forward, discouraging the snaking motion caused by crossing over in front of the head. The "Javelin" drill stands as an effective tool for enhancing posture and alignment.

#4 Propulsive Efficiency: The Power of Catch and Pull

While the catch and pull phase is often prioritized, Swim Smooth reevaluates its significance. Studies reveal that elite swimmers derive a significant portion of their propulsion from the catch and pull, rather than leg movements. Swim Smooth's "Scull #1" exercise, using a pull buoy, helps swimmers develop a keen "feel for the water."

#5 Rhythm & Timing: Mastering Fluidity

Fluidity and rhythm distinguish great swimmers, and Swim Smooth recognizes the importance of rhythm and timing. This aspect requires patience and consistent practice. To assess stroke rate and timing, the "Stroke Rate Ramp Test" provides a valuable tool.

Conclusion: A Paradigm Shift in Stroke Learning

Swim Smooth's innovative approach to freestyle stroke learning challenges traditional methods. By placing breathing as the foundation and adjusting the sequence of learning, Swim Smooth empowers swimmers to overcome initial challenges and progress more effectively. This methodology recognizes that proficiency in breathing, drag reduction, posture, propulsive efficiency, and rhythm are all interconnected aspects of a successful freestyle stroke. As swimmers embrace this approach, they embark on a transformative journey towards mastering this essential swimming technique.