Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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10% Birthday Sale!

Our blog - Feel For The Water - is one year old today!

To celebrate this milestone, and as a thank you from us for reading the blog, we're running a 10% Off Birthday Promotion on all physical products on our website - for one week only. Combined with our always-low shipping costs it's time to get a real bargain!

Simply enter the code 'Happy Birthday' into the voucher box within our shopping cart - click and your 10% discount will be taken off your order! So if you need straighten up your stroke with some  Finis Freestyler Paddles, would like to tune up your stroke's timing with a Wetronome or fancy treating yourself to our DVD Boxset, then take advantage of this one week only offer! Applies to all DVDs and swimming tools.

(We're only announcing the discount code to subscribers of the blog but you can tell your friends if you like, it'll work for them too.)

Highlights Of The Last Year

Here are ten of our favourite posts from the last year - take a read, especially if you missed them the first time around:

1. Open water swimming legend Shelley Taylor Smith gives us a fascinating insight into her famous mental toughness: Stop And Think, Who's On My Team?

2. Struggling with breathing in your stroke? Read this inspirational story from one of our readers:
Don't Forget To Breathe, Doctors Recommend It

3. Are you a technique hermit swimming only one or two laps at a time? We explain the dangers in being a Technique Hermit

4. For northern hemisphere athletes in the middle of their triathlon season, try this perfect session 4 or 5 days before your next event: Pre Race Swim

5. One of the most discussed posts of the year, a simple but crucial concept when you're developing your stroke technique: Six Is A Magic Number

6. Are you an uncoached swimmer? Struggling to work out what you need to work on in your stroke? You need: Stroke Contrasts

7. Sometimes simple is best and this very rarely fails to be beneficial to a swimmer: Swim Faster By Brushing Your Big Toes

8. Inspired by one of the presentations on our Swimming Clinics, our complete myth-busting guide:
What Makes An Efficient Freestyle Stroke

9. That's the easiest way to take ten minutes out of your open water swim split? Find out!

10. And to finish on a light note: Cheesy Friday, The Results! Believe it or not, 3 months later, we're still receiving cheesy offerings in our inbox. Mmmm, we like cheese.

Swim Smooth!