Swim Smooth - Your Ultimate Guide to Technique, Training, and Open Water Swimming

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Is This The World's Smoothest Freestyle Stroke?

A special treat this week: we've edited together a high quality video sequence for you of an amazing swimmer called Jono Van Hazel. Jono epitomises the Smooth Stroke Style used by many elite swimmers. In fact he's so smooth we used his stroke as the basis for our Mr Smooth animation!

Watch this sequence just before you next go for a swim and imagine in your mind swimming like that, visualise his movements and the rhythm of his stroke. Visualising a great freestyle stroke is a very powerful way to improve your swimming:

Jono is a 50m and 100m freestyle specialist from Perth who raced at the Athens Olympics; if you've been on one of our Swim Smooth Clinics you'll have seen his awesome stroke before. We're lucky enough to count Jono as a good friend of Swim Smooth and from time to time he makes guest appearances in our squads (giving the guys in the top lane a very tough workout in the process!). You can see a lot more of Jono swimming (including full underwater footage) and our complete analysis of his stroke in our Catch Masterclass DVD.

Swim Smooth!