🎥 NEW VIDEO: Why Can't I Swim Continuous Laps of Freestyle? 8 Practical Tips to Get You Through the So-Called "'Tween Stage"

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Ever felt like you're stuck in the "in-between" stage of swimming? You know, that frustrating zone between learning to swim freestyle from scratch and effortlessly conquering continuous laps?
Maybe you'd love to join regular group lessons or an adult swim squad to enhance your skills or even take part in your first triathlon or open water event, but you're not entirely confident that you're ready for it?

Maybe this is not you, but someone you know? Or, if you're a coach yourself, newer swimmers that regularly come to you for your help and expertise?

Whatever the case, we've got your back today with a brand new video and FREE downloadable 8-step checklist that seeks to bridge this gap.

🙏 Help a fellow swimmer: we've known for a long-time that a gap exists between these two stages of development - even within our own program - and would love your help in sharing this new article and video to someone you know. Given the power of swimming, it might just help someone turn their life around, ditch the post-work beer or wine on a Tuesday night, and become fitter and healthier in all aspects of their life as it has with my own father, Stevie, whose story features in the video. Let's help more swimmers break through the so-called “'Tween Stage” together ❤️.

Are you tired of gasping for air after just a few laps? Do you find yourself stuck in the "'Tween Stage," desperately wanting to break free and swim effortlessly? You're not alone. Join us on this transformative journey as we unveil the Top-8 tips to transition from learning freestyle to conquering continuous laps without the exhaustion. Let's break the barriers together!

The Frustration of the "'Tween Stage"

Picture this: You're at the pool, determined to swim more than 200 meters of freestyle, but you hit a roadblock—the "'Tween Stage." We understand, and in this exclusive Swim Smooth video and actionable plan, we’ll share insights tailored to propel you past that 200-meter mark. No overwhelming stroke techniques, heavy jargon or overly basic tips; just a roadmap designed for those capable of at least 15 to 20 meters of freestyle.

Your Coach, Paul Newsome

Join Paul Newsome, your Swim Smooth coach, as he navigates the challenges of continuous freestyle swimming. Drawing from personal experiences, including sessions with his father Stevie, Paul empathizes with swimmers at the "'Tween Stage." Learn how Stevie, just like you, seeks to improve and swim with confidence.

The Struggle Is Real

We've all been there—drowning in a sea of YouTube stroke technique videos or feeling stuck with basic learn-to-swim tips. If this sounds like you, fear not! Paul has a game-changing solution that promises to revolutionize your swimming experience. Gain the confidence to join your local adult swim squad and elevate your swimming prowess.

A Roadmap to Success

Before we dive in, ascertain whether you're an adult learner or truly in the "'Tween Stage." Unsure? Explore the Swim Smooth GURU with a free 7-day trial—a comprehensive 12-step sequence designed to take you from scratch to swimming like a pro. Share this video with friends who could benefit; let's help more swimmers break through the "'Tween Stage" together.

Tackling Drag vs. Propulsion

Reduce drag and increase effective propulsion—these are the keys to conquering the "'Tween Stage." If you're male, discover how to overcome technical drag; if you're female, unravel the secrets to timing, coordination, and preventing over-kicking. Paul presents eight focal points to be your checklist for that breakthrough moment.

STEPS 1 & 2: The Essentials: Swim Outfit and Equipment

Start with the basics—your swim outfit matters. Choose snug-fitting trunks for men and streamlined bathing suits for ladies to minimize drag. Equip yourself with the right tools: long, flexible flippers for technique work, a pull buoy to refine your catch, and Finis Freestylers paddles for optimal hand entry and catch.

STEPS 3 & 4: Pre-Swim Mobilization and Play

Prepare your body with pre-swim mobilization—arm swings and mimicking freestyle technique in front of a mirror. Visit www.swimsmooth.com for Mr. Smooth animations that enhance your visualization. Before diving in, spend a few moments playing around in the water, embracing the relaxed feeling of Sink Downs.

STEP 5: Breathe, Pace, and Progress

As you start swimming, focus on breathing: "Breathe-bubble-bubble-breathe." Train yourself to exhale smoothly and learn bilateral breathing. Pace yourself—avoid the common pitfall of starting too fast. Develop gears in your swimming, transitioning from survival mode to controlled and efficient strokes.

STEPS 6 & 7: Key Drills and Structured Progression

Discover key drills like "side kicking," "javelin drill," and "sculling and doggy paddle" using a pull buoy. Head over to www.swimsmooth.guru for in-depth coaching tips and drills. Implement a super-basic pyramid progression to build endurance and speed—start at 25 meters, progress to 200 meters, and work your way back down.

STEP 8: Transition to Open Water

If conditions allow, take your progress to open water. Embrace the "bubble-bubble-breathe" mantra, and focus on the next stroke rather than the end of the length. Swim beyond mental blocks and enjoy covering greater distances without realizing it.

Join the Swim Smooth Squads

Ready to take your swimming to the next level? Join the Swim Smooth Squads worldwide and swim under the guidance of certified coaches. Check out recommended coaches at www.swimsmooth.guru/coaches or virtually follow the "World's Biggest Swim Squad" at www.swimsmooth.guru.

Your Personalized Swim Journey

For personalized guidance, consider a 1-2-1 video analysis and stroke correction session with certified Swim Smooth Coaches. Don't wait—many swimmers at your stage wish they'd done it sooner. Your journey to breezing through 400 meters freestyle begins now.

Until next time, happy swimming!

Your coach, Paul.

Head Coach & Founder, Paul Newsome

Paul Newsome is the accomplished founder and head coach of Swim Smooth, a revolutionary approach to swimming technique and training. With a passion for transforming swimmers of all levels, Paul's expertise has made a lasting impact on the world of swimming. His innovative methods and dedication to helping swimmers reach their full potential have solidified his position as a leading figure in the sport. Through Swim Smooth, Paul Newsome's legacy continues to inspire and elevate swimmers' performances in the water.


TECHNIQUE: What Can a World Record Holder Teach Us About Distance Freestyle? 


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