Follow these step-by-step processes to work on your individual stroke faults in the most optimised way possible. Because each Swim Type has a different level of experience (and often a distinct personality) you'll find we've set the level and tone of the sessions at the perfect level for you!

The power of Swim Types is that it gives you an overall blueprint for your stroke - showing you how it fits together as a whole. The system shows you your strengths and weaknesses, to get you very focused on what you need to do to improve. Each guide will show you how to improve your speed and efficiency in the water and feel a whole heap better as a result.

Register for a FREE 7-day trial of the GURU today!

The Swim Smooth GURU is your friendly, smart, step-by-step training program designed to Guide you, build your Understanding, help you establish your daily swimming Routine remotely, and to give you the Ultimate swim coaching experience whoever and wherever you are with our team of real-life, human coaches. With four new subscription levels and a 7-day FREE trial (with no credit card required), there’s never been a better time to start using the GURU. Register for an account here and get started today!


Remote Coaching with a real Swim Smooth Coach


Fault Fixers